Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Well I have played two matches vs him and I took the first and he killed me on the second. It is great to play a series since we will be forced to adjust every match which is a weakness of mine. The third match should be interesting since it will be a tie breaker and if I lose I will be very behind.


Anonymous said...
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DODGYKEN said...

Verneer sucks - I'll take him on HU for rolls anytime.

Good luck for 2008.

[Disclaimer: Verneer does not suck, and I will not take him on HU for rolls. I would, however, take him on for a few buy-ins.]

Matt said...

Hes not that good and I plan on busting him.

cntgetmedown said...

What stakes are you playing and how do you determine a win or a los?